Internal Complaint & Sexual Harassment Committee

THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION AND REDRESSAL) As per theG.O.No.14 of 2013 to provide protection against Sexual Harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental there to. Sexual harassment in India is termed "Eve teasing" and is described as: unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly as sexually coloured remarks; physical contact and advances; showing pornography; a demand or request for sexual favours; any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature or passing sexually offensive and unacceptable remarks.The Internal Complaint Committee is Re-constituted with effect from 02nd July 2021 with the following members.

Function of the committee

1.Ensuring a Safe and Supportive Environment: The primary ambition of the ICC is to create an environment where women staff feel safe and supported to raise concerns without fear of reprisal. This entails fostering a culture where harassment and discrimination are not tolerated and where individuals are empowered to speak up.

2. Promoting Gender Equality: The ICC aims to promote gender equality by addressing systemic issues that disproportionately affect women in academia. This includes tackling gender bias, ensuring equitable access to opportunities, and supporting the advancement of women in their careers.

3. Facilitating Fair and Transparent Processes: The ICC strives to uphold fairness and transparency in its processes for investigating complaints. This involves providing clear guidelines, conducting impartial investigations, and ensuring that all parties involved are treated with respect and dignity.


1 Mrs S.GEETHA Presiding Officer Principal 9043950699
2 Mr K.MOHANRAJ Convener Advocate 9842493916
3 Mrs P.VINITHA Member Lecturer 8056617072
4 Mr A.VINOTHKUMAR Member Lecturer 8946094116
5 Mr V.RAJESH Member Lab Asst / DME 9566204420
6 Mr.E.ELAVAZHAGAN Member Lab Asst / DEEE 6374958450
7 V.SACHIVANANDHAN Member Representative of Student 9715788716
8 M.VIJI Member Representative of Student 8111007892
9 R.GUGAN Member Representative of Student 9043587593
10 K.SAMI Member Representative of Student 7639880954